Un estudio piloto de la terapia de liberación miofascial en comparación con el masaje sueco en la fibromialgia

A pilot study of myofascial release therapy compared to Swedish massage in Fibromyalgia
Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies    Share
Fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread muscle pain and soft tissue tenderness. However, a lack of definitive muscle pathology has made FM both a diagnostic and a treatment puzzle. Much of the evidence for pathology in FM lies in the central nervous system — in particular abnormal amplification of pain signals in the spinal cord — a manifestation of central sensitization. An emerging body of evidence posits that peripheral pain generated from the muscles and fascia may trigger and maintain central sensitization in FM. Since FM patients so frequently seek manual therapy to relieve muscle symptoms, the present study compared two different manual therapy techniques in a parallel study of women with FM. (This is an abstract. To view full article, you will need to log in.) More

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