HVLA reduces shoulder pain and disability
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Osteopathic and physiotherapy researchers from the United States, Spain and Italy conducted this exploratory study to determine the changes that high-velocity, low-amplitude (HVLA) manipulation produce in shoulder pain, disability, and perceived level of recovery among patients with shoulder pain secondary to second and third rib syndrome. Ten consecutive patients with shoulder pain and negative Neer impingement tests received two sessions of HVLA targeting the upper thoracic spine bilaterally and the second and third ribs on the patients’ symptomatic side. Outcome measures were obtained after the first treatment session, at 48 hours, at one month and at three months. In the article «Changes in Shoulder Pain and Disability After Thrust Manipulation in Subjects Presenting With Second and Third Rib Syndrome,» the researchers report that postintervention scores were significantly decreased on the Shoulder Pain and Disability Index and on the numeric pain rating scale for resting shoulder. Large within-group effect sizes were found between preintervention data and all postintervention assessments. In addition, mean scores for global rating of change indicated «a very great deal better» outcome at long-term follow-up. (This is an abstract. The article is nearing completion. For now, the «corrected proof» can be viewed by logging in to the journal’s website.) READ MORE