La eficacia de los tratamientos conservadores para la osteoartritis. Evaluación de la “HIP Escuela” el régimen de ejercicio terapéutico

Efficacy of conservative treatment regimes for hip osteoarthritis — Evaluation of the therapeutic exercise regime ‘Hip School’
Musculoskeletal Disorders via BioMed Central    Share
Hip osteoarthritis is a disease with a major impact on both national economy and the patients themselves. Patients suffer from pain and functional impairment in activities of daily life which are associated with a decrease in quality of life. Conservative therapeutic interventions such as physical exercises aim at reducing pain and increasing function and health-related quality of life. However, there is only silver level evidence for efficacy of land-based physical exercise in the treatment of hip OA. The purpose of this randomized controlled trial is to determine whether the specific 12-week exercise regime «Hip School» can decrease bodily pain and improve physical function and life quality in subjects with hip osteoarthritis. More

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