Eficacia clínica de la terapia manual para el tratamiento en condiciones musculoesqueléticas y no-músculoesqueléticas

Clinical effectiveness of manual therapy for the management of musculoskeletal, non-musculoskeletal conditions
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies
This systematic review updated and extended the “UK evidence report” by Bronfort et al. (Chiropr Osteopath 18:3, 2010) with respect to conditions / interventions that received an ‘inconclusive’ or ‘negative’ evidence rating or were not covered in the report .. The use of chiropractic, osteopathic, and other forms of services delivering various types of manual therapies has been steadily increasing in the Western World. Previous research has shown short-term benefit of spinal manual therapy (i.e., manipulation, mobilization) especially in reducing back pain … MORE

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